Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Golden Gate Park Run Description (05/03/16)

We're wrapping things up the way we started with 2 miles! Here's a link to the course map-

Everyone will launch from the paved path at the top of the stairs leading down to the ballfields.

You will follow Martin Luther King until it connects with Bowling Green Drive. Veer left on Bowling Green Drive. After roughly 200 meters, you will reach a stop sign. Turn right on this stop sign and head towards John F Kennedy Drive.

Cross over to the RIGHT side of JFK and turn LEFT and head towards Ocean Beach (WEST) on JFK. Continue running along JFK into Golden Gate Park. From here, the rest of the run is pretty straightforward. Follow JFK past the intersection of JFK/8th Ave. Just past this intersection, there is a pedestrian crossing on your LEFT that is adjacent to Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive. This is 1 MILE.
Turn around here and head back the way you came for 2 MILES!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tuesday Marina/Presidio Run (3/11/14)

We're launching from outside of Presidio Sport & Medicine located at 1162B Gorgas Avenue. You'll be covering 2-5 miles depending upon your training level.

Here's a link to the course map-

Tuesday's Marina/Presidio Run Course Map.

We'll launch from outside Presidio Sport & Medicine and promptly take a LEFT turn on Girard Avenue. We'll follow Girard until we hit Lincoln. Turn RIGHT on Lincoln and continue running into the Presidio.

Continue running on Lincoln past the cemetery on your left. Shortly after passing the cemetery, you will see a paved bike path that veers right and downhill slightly. Follow this path (AKA-Patten Road). Shortly after you follow this path you will see a 'MM2' in chalk on the ground. Beginner runners will turn around here and head back to where we started for 2 MILES!

Everyone else will continue running along this path which eventually heads uphill and connects with Lincoln. Continue running on the sidewalk/paved path on Lincoln and eventually you will reach the intersection of Lincoln and Crissy Field Avenue. This is 1.5 MILES. Look for a 'MM3' in chalk on the ground. Intermediate will turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 3 MILES!

Advanced and Race level runners will continue running on the paved path adjacent to Lincoln and veer left (and uphill) towards the Golden Gate Bridge. You will run around the perimeter of a gravel parking lot and the paved path will curve to the left. Continue running on this paved path towards the bridge. Eventually, you will take a hairpin LEFT turn to head towards the pedestrian side of the bridge. Right before you reach the entrance to the pedestrian side of the bridge, you'll see a 'MM4' in chalk on the ground. Advanced level runners will turn around here and head back to the start for 4 MILES!
Race level runners will make their way onto the pedestrian side (east side) of the Golden Gate Bridge. continue running until you see a MM5 in chalk on the sidewalk just past the first tier/pillar of the bridge. Turn around here and head back to the start for 5 MILES!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunday's Long Run (7/21/13)

Our FINAL long run of the season is a 'mash up' of sorts that includes a little bit of everything we've covered this season. Click the link below for the course map-

Sunday's Course Map

We start our final long run on Crissy Field. We'll launch from the Marina Promenade and head towards the Warming Hut.

Upon reaching the Warming Hut, you will run past the Warming Hut and take an IMMEDIATE left to head towards LONG AVENUE. Long Avenue is effectively a short hill that heads up towards Lincoln.

Everyone will head up Long Avenue along the shoulder until you reach a stop sign. This is LINCOLN. Take a right on to the paved cyclist/pedestrian path and follow this path to your right. Stick to this path as it heads towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

You will follow the path for roughly 1/2-3/4 of a mile. There will be a few points at which the path may fork, but stick to the MAIN path. You will soon see the Golden Gate Bridge approaching.

You will reach a point where you can continue running and run underneath the bridge or take a hairpin LEFT and wind your way up to the pedestrian side of the bridge. You want to do the LATTER and turn left and head onto the pedestrian side of the bridge.  


Everyone will continue to the end of the bridge to the Visitor Center. Stop here to grab some water, use the restroom, and/or take a gel, clif shot, etc. Everyone will turn around here and head back across the bridge.

You will eventually reach the intersection of Lincoln/Long. Continue RIGHT on Lincoln Ave. Follow Lincoln Avenue into the Presidio. You will win past the intersection of Lincoln/McDowell and continue past the cemetery. 

Continue running on Lincoln past the YMCA . Eventually Lincoln veers left and turns into Presidio. Follow Presidio until you reach the intersection of Presidio & Lombard.

Veer left and continue on Lombard until you reach Lombard Gate (this is effectively the intersection of Lombard/Lyon). Turn around here and head back to the intersection of Lincoln/Long.

By the time you reach Lincoln/Long, you will have logged close to 9 miles. Head down Long Avenue back towards the Warming Hut. Turn RIGHT at the Warming Hut and continue running along the Promenade until you reach the spot where we launched our run by Crissy Field. 

Veer RIGHT and continue running until you run into Mason Street. This is 10 MILES! Beginners are done!

Everyone else continues running along Mason Street. After roughly 1/2 mile, you will encounter a 'MM11' in chalk on the ground near the entrance to East Beach Parking Lot. Intermediate runners will turn around and head back to Sports Basement for 11 MILES!

Advanced and Race level runners will continue along Marina (Mason turns into Marina) Boulevard until you reach the intersection of Marina/Scott. This is a controlled intersection with stoplights. Advanced level runners will turn around here and head back to Sports Basement for 12 MILES!

Race level runners will continue running along Marina Boulevard. Run past the Marina Green Monkey Bars and up Fort Mason Hill. Crest Fort Mason Hill and run down the other side. Once you've reached the bottom of the hill, turn around and head back to Sports Basement for 14 MILES!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tuesday Presidio Run (4/1)

Tuesday's run launches from Presidio Sport & Medicine at 1162B Gorgas Avenue. Here's a map link to the launch location-

Presidio Run Rendezvous Point

We're logging 4-7 miles. This is a pretty run through the Presidio, Crissy Field, and a little bit of the Marina (if you're doing 5-7). Here's a link to the course map-

  Tuesday Presidio Run Course Map

We'll launch from Presidio Sport & Medicine and promptly take a left on Girard Avenue. After running a short distance (1/4 mile) on Girard, we'll run into Lincoln Ave. Turn right on Lincoln.

You'll continue on Lincoln into the Presidio past the San Francisco National Cemetery (it will be on your left) for about 3/4 of a mile until you reach the intersection of Lincoln/McDowell. This is a controlled, 4 way stop. Turn right on Mcdowell and head downhill towards Old Mason Street.

Turn RIGHT on Old Mason Street and continue running on the paved pedestrian path until you reach the metal power box on YOUR LEFT. This is 1.5 miles.

Continue running along Old Mason Street past Sports Basement (on your RIGHT). Shortly after passing Sports Basement, you will reach the intersection of Mason/Halleck. Crissy Field Center will be on your RIGHT. This is 2 miles. There will be a MM4 here in chalk as well. Beginner runners turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 4 MILES!

Everyone else will continue running along Old Mason Street which eventually turns into Marina Boulevard. Shortly after you pass the volleyball court area (on your  LEFT), you will reach the intersection of Marina/Broderick. This is 2.5 miles. Intermediate runners will turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 5 MILES!

Advanced/Race level runners will continue to the Marina Green Monkey Bars (where we formerly congregated on Wednesday nights). This is 3 miles. Advanced level runners will turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 6 MILES!

Race level runners will continues past the monkey bars and head up Fort Mason Hill. Crest Fort Mason Hill, turn around, and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 7 MILES!  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Epic Run #4-Top of the World!

Epic Run #4 is called 'Top of the World'. We launch from the Presidio Sports Basement located at 610 Old Mason Street.

We will cross the bridge and head up into the Marin Headlands for a simply STAGGERING view of the Bay Area halfway through our run. From there, we'll turn around and head back to the Basement for some celebratory refreshments!

Epic Run #4-Top of the World Course Map!

Here's a description of the course we'll be traveling...

-We'll head out on the paved path on Mason Street and head towards the Warming Hut. 
-Upon reaching the Warming Hut(roughly 2 miles), you will run past the Warming Hut and take an IMMEDIATE left to head towards LONG AVENUE. Long Avenue is effectively a short hill that heads up towards Lincoln.
-Everyone will head up Long Avenue along the shoulder until you reach a stop sign. This is LINCOLN. Take a right on to the paved cyclist/pedestrian path and follow this path to your right. -Stick to this path as it heads towards the Golden Gate Bridge.
-You will follow the path for roughly 1/2-3/4 of a mile. There will be a few points at which the path may fork, but stick to the MAIN path. You will soon see the Golden Gate Bridge approaching.
  -You will reach a point where you can continue running and run underneath the bridge or take a hairpin LEFT and wind your way up to the pedestrian side of the bridge. You want to do the LATTER and turn left and head onto the pedestrian side of the bridge.  
-Everyone will continue to the end of the bridge to the Visitor Center. This is roughly 3.25 MILES. Stop here to grab some water, use the restroom, and/or take a gel, clif shot, etc. if you need to.
-Adjacent to the parking area by the pedestrian side of the bridge there is a set of stairs that goes down and underneath the bridge. Look for the chalk markings and run underneath the bridge to the other side.
-Once on the other side of the bridge, veer left and run along the paved sidewalk directly onto SCA Trail. Again, look for chalk markings directing you where to go.
-Follow SCA Trail uphill (be advised, this trail is fairly steep) for .25 of a mile until you cross Conzelman Road (watch out for traffic). Continue running on SCA Trail.
-SCA Trail continues uphill for roughly a mile until you reach a T-intersection where you have the choice of following Coastal Trail right or left. FOLLOW COASTAL TRAIL RIGHT for roughly .25 miles. 
-You will see a rocky path that veers RIGHT and UPHILL. Follow this path to the TOP OF THE WORLD! Take in the view, take a breather, take a few pictures, and head back to the Sports Basement the way you came!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Wednesday Presidio Run (3/5/14)

Wednesday's run launches from Presidio Sport & Medicine at 1162B Gorgas Avenue. Here's a map link to the launch location-

Presidio Run Rendezvous Point

We're logging 4-7 miles. This is a pretty run through the Presidio, Crissy Field, and more. Here's a link to the course map-

Wednesday Presidio Run Course Map

We'll launch from Presidio Sport & Medicine and promptly take a left on Girard Avenue. Shortly after making this turn, you will turn LEFT on Funston Ave (This is just past the Presidio YMCA on your left).

Follow Funston uphill slightly until you run into Moraga. Turn RIGHT on Moraga. Continue on Moraga until you reach Montgomery. Turn RIGHT on Montgomery.

Follow Montgomery until you reach Lincoln. Turn LEFT on Lincoln. Follow Lincoln past the cemetery and through the intersection of Lincoln/Mcdowell. You will be looking down over Crissy Field.

Once you reach Lincoln/Crissy Field Avenue, you will have logged 2 MILES. Beginners turn around here and head back the way you came for 4 MILES.

Everyone else will head DOWN Crissy Field Avenue to Old Mason Street. Turn LEFT on Old Mason Street and head towards the Warming Hut. Upon reaching the Warming Hut, you will have logged 2.5 MILES. Intermediate runners will turn around here and head back the way you came for 5 MILES.

Advanced and Race level runners will continue past the Warming Hut to Hopper Hands. This is 3 MILES. Advanced level runners will turn around here and head back the way you came for 6 MILES.

Race level runners will turn around at Hopper Hands and head back the way you came with a 'slight' wrinkle.

Rather than turning LEFT on Girard to head back to Presidio Sports Medicine, you will continue running on Lincoln which veers left and turns into Presidio. Follow Presidio until you reach the intersection of Presidio & Lombard.

Veer left and continue on Lombard until you reach Lombard Gate. Turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 7 MILES!

Friday, July 05, 2013

Sunday Long Run (7/7/13)

We'll be covering 8-12 miles this Sunday. Our journey launches from outside Sports Basement on Crissy Field.

Click the map link below to take a closer look at what we'll be tackling-

Sunday's Long Run Course Map

We'll head out on the paved path on Mason Street and head towards the Warming Hut. Upon reaching the Warming Hut(roughly 2 miles), you will run past the Warming Hut and take an IMMEDIATE left to head towards LONG AVENUE. Long Avenue is effectively a short hill that heads up towards Lincoln.

Everyone will head up Long Avenue along the shoulder until you reach a stop sign. This is LINCOLN. Take a right on to the paved cyclist/pedestrian path and follow this path to your right. Stick to this path as it heads towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

You will follow the path for roughly 1/2-3/4 of a mile. There will be a few points at which the path may fork, but stick to the MAIN path. You will soon see the Golden Gate Bridge approaching.

You will reach a point where you can continue running and run underneath the bridge or take a hairpin LEFT and wind your way up to the pedestrian side of the bridge. You want to do the LATTER and turn left and head onto the pedestrian side of the bridge.  


Everyone will continue to the end of the bridge to the Visitor Center. This is roughly 3.25 MILES. Stop here to grab some water, use the restroom, and/or take a gel, clif shot, etc. Everyone will turn around here and head back across the bridge and head back towards Sports Basement.

Once you've returned to the starting point of our run, you will continue running on Mason Street EAST towards the Marina. Look for the intersection of Marina/Baker which is directly across from the volleyball court area (on your left). Beginners will turn around here and return to Sports Basement for 8 MILES!

Everyone else will continue running along Marina Boulevard towards the Marina Green Monkey Bars. Look for the intersection of Marina/Fillmore. Intermediate runners will turn around here and head back to Sports Basement for 9 MILES!

Advanced and Race level runners will continue past Marina/Fillmore. Continue along Marina Boulevard past the Marina Safeway (on your right) and up Fort Mason Hill. Upon cresting Fort Mason Hill, Advanced runners will turn around and head back to Sports Basement for 10 MILES!

Race level runners will head down Fort Mason Hill into Aquatic Park. Run through Aquatic Park into Fisherman's Wharf. Be careful in Fisherman's Wharf as it will likely be crowded. You will be on Jefferson Street. 

Run to the intersection of Jefferson/Powell. Turn around here and head back to Sports Basement for 12 MILES!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Epic Run #3-A Run in the Park...

Epic Run #3 is called 'A Run in the Park'. We launch from the Beach Chalet, but we'll be covering very different territory than we did last week.

We will cover most of our miles in Golden Gate Park, but there are a number of detours/side trips, so review the map and description carefully. This one is about 9.5 miles long. We will start/finish at The Beach Chalet parking lot located at 1000 Great Highway @ Ocean Beach

Epic Run #3-A Run in the Park Course Map!

Here's a description of the course we'll be traveling...
-We'll head behind the Beach Chalet and follow the dirt trail towards Lincoln. After roughly half a mile, the trail will run into Martin Luther King adjacent to the windmill. 
-Take a quick RIGHT turn and head towards Lincoln. Take a LEFT turn on the dirt trail parallel to Lincoln.
-Follow the dirt trail for roughly two miles until you reach 16th Avenue. Take a RIGHT on 16th Avenue. 
-Follow 16th Avenue for just over half a mile (you will climb a decent set of stairs to continue on 16th) until you reach Moraga. 
-Take a LEFT on Moraga and head up the 'Mosaic Steps' to the top of Grand View Park. Take in the EPIC view and head down the other side of Grand View Park and run to Funston Ave. 
-Turn LEFT on Funston and follow Funston for just over half a mile until you reach Lincon Ave.
-Turn RIGHT on Lincoln until you reach 9th Avenue. Turn LEFT on 9th Avenue and continue running through Golden Gate Park via Martin Luther King. 
-After roughly 1/2 a mile you will turn RIGHT onto Stow Lake Drive and head up towards Stow Lake. Head WEST around Stow Lake. Head downhill towards JFK. 
-Turn RIGHT on JFK off Stow Lake Drive. Run along JFK for roughly 1/4 of a mile. Take a LEFT towards the Rose Garden. 
-Run roughly 200 meters through the Rose Garden and then take a sharp right turn onto the dirt trail.
-Follow this dirt trail roughly 1/4 of a mile until you run into JFK. Turn RIGHT on JFK. 
-Continue running on JFK for roughly 3/4 of a mile until you reach JFK/Transverse. Take a RIGHT on Transverse and then shortly after take a LEFT onto the dirt trail. 
-Follow the dirt trail for just over 1/2 a mile until you run into Lake Spreckels. Take a LEFT on Lake Spreckels until you run back into JFK. 
-Run DIRECTLY across JFK towards the Golden Gate Park Polo Field. Do a loop around the polo field and head back to JFK. 
-Turn LEFT on JFK and follow until you run into a T-intersection (JFK/Bernice Rodgers Way). Turn RIGHT to continue running on JFK towards the Beach Chalet. 
-Continue on JFK until you reach the Great Highway. Turn LEFT on Great Highway and return to the Beach Chalet!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Tuesday Golden Gate Park Run (04/26/16)

You will be logging between 3-6 miles depending upon your training level. Here's a link to the course map for your reference-

Tuesday's Golden Gate Park Run

We will actually be launching from the top of the staircase that leads down to the ballfield and heading WEST on Martin Luther King. We will run along Martin Luther King for roughly a quarter of a mile before turning RIGHT onto Music Concourse Drive.

We will run along the sidewalk in front of the California Academy of Science and get a nice view of the Music Concourse and the DeYoung Museum. We will follow this sidewalk past the California Academy of Science as it heads towards JFK. The path will run directly into JFK. At this point turn RIGHT ONTO JFK. This is roughly 1/2 mile into our run.

Continue running on the right side of JFK on the sidewalk for roughly another 1/2 miles and you'll run into the intersection of JFK and MIDDLE DRIVE. This is right in front of the tennis courts. This is 1 mile from the start.

Cross over to the LEFT side of JFK at this intersection and continue running towards Stanyan. You will eventually hit the intersection of JFK/Stanyan. This is a conspicuous, controlled intersection with 4 way stoplights. This is just over 1.25 miles into your run.

Cross Stanyan and cross over onto the panhandle which runs parallel to Oak/Fell street. Stay on the RIGHT side on the panhandle. As you are running along the 'Oak' side of the panhandle, pay attention to the cross streets.

Once you reach Oak and Cole Street you have logged 1.5 miles. Beginners will turn around here and head back to ballfields for 3 MILES!

Everyone else will continue running along the 'Oak' side of the panhandle. Once you have reached Oak and Lyon Street, you have logged 2 miles. Intermediate runners will turn around here and head back to the ballfields for 4 MILES!

Advanced and Race level runners will continue running along the Oak side of the panhandle until Oak runs into Baker Street. This is effectively where the panhandle ends. Turn LEFT on Baker Street and then take another LEFT on Fell Street and continue running on the 'Fell' side of the panhandle.

You will run all the way to the intersection of Fell and Ashbury. This is 2.5 miles. Advanced runners will turn around here and head back to the ballfields for 5 MILES!

Race level runners will continue running along the Fell side of the panhandle until you reach the intersection of Fell/Stanyan. Turn RIGHT on Stanyan and follow Stanyan NORTH until you reach the intersection of Stanyan/Fulton. This is 3 miles. Race level runners will turn around here and head back the way you came for a total of 6 MILES!

Tuesday Presidio Run (3/18/14)

Wednesday's run launches from Presidio Sport & Medicine at 1162B Gorgas Avenue. Here's a map link to the launch location-

Presidio Run Rendezvous Point

We're logging 3-6 miles. This is a pretty run through the Presidio, Crissy Field, and a little bit of the Marina (if you're doing 5-6). Here's a link to the course map-

Tuesday Presidio Run Course Map

We'll launch from Presidio Sport & Medicine and promptly take a left on Girard Avenue. After running a short distance (1/4 mile) on Girard, we'll run into Lincoln Ave. Turn right on Lincoln.

You'll continue on Lincoln into the Presidio past the San Francisco National Cemetery (it will be on your left) for about 3/4 of a mile until you reach the intersection of Lincoln/McDowell. This is a controlled, 4 way stop. Turn right on Mcdowell and head downhill towards Old Mason Street.

Turn RIGHT on Old Mason Street and continue running on the paved pedestrian path until you reach the metal power box on YOUR LEFT. This is 1.5 miles. There will be a MM3 here in chalk as well. Beginners turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 3 MILES!

Everyone else will continue running along Old Mason Street past Sports Basement (on your RIGHT). Shortly after passing Sports Basement, you will reach the intersection of Mason/Halleck. Crissy Field Center will be on your RIGHT. This is 2 miles. There will be a MM4 here in chalk as well. Intermediate runners turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 4 MILES!

Advanced and Race level runners will continue running along Old Mason Street which eventually turns into Marina Boulevard. Shortly after you pass the volleyball court area (on your  LEFT), you will reach the intersection of Marina/Broderick. This is 2.5 miles. Advanced runners will turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 5 MILES!

Race level runners will continue to the Marina Green Monkey Bars. This is 3 miles. Turn around here and head back to Presidio Sport & Medicine for 6 MILES!