Monday, June 25, 2012

Saturday Run Description (6/8/13)

You will be logging between 6 miles on Saturday. The link below should give you a relatively clear sense of where we're going. I've also included a verbal description beneath it:



In short, we will head NORTH from the Marina Green Monkey Bars on along Marina Boulevard until we reach the intersection of Mason/Halleck. Continue running on the paved path along Mason past SportsBasement. Shortly after we pass SportsBasement, there is a lengthy straight stretch and a funny looking metal power box on your RIGHT. This is 1.5 miles.

Continue past the 1.5 mile mark along the paved path. After roughly 200 meters you will approach the intersection of Mason and Crissy Field Avenue. There is a stop sign and a pedestrian crosswalk here. You will take a quick RIGHT on Crissy Field Avenue and head uphill. Once you've crested the hill you have logged 2 MILES!

Turn LEFT on Lincoln and continue running towards the Presidio. You'll be looking down at Crissy Field once you're on Lincoln. Enjoy the AWESOME view! Continue running along the sidewalk/shoulder of Lincoln for roughly half a mile until you reach the intersection of Lincoln/Mcdowell. This is 2.5 MILES. 

Continue past Lincoln/Mcdowell and continue on Lincoln. Eventually you will see the cemetery on the right. Run a bit further and continue onto Sheridan Avenue. You'll follow Sheridan until you reach the intersection of Sheridan/Montgomery. Turn around and return to the monkey bars for 6 MILES!

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