Thursday, October 11, 2018

Wildcard Run (TRIED. TRUE.TEMPO. Golden Gate Park Tempo Run)-10/11/18

From Coach Toby:
Tempo runs. They improve mental toughness. They build strength. They make you faster.

Every runner can do them. Every runner should do them.

I often incorporate this type of short tempo session into my run commutes home from work, work travel, and short Sunday afternoon or evening “weekend wrap-up” runs.

I LOVE the challenge and I really appreciate that they only take 30-60 minutes of my time. Small investment. Big gains.

For those unfamiliar, tempo running (sometimes called lactate threshold running) is a type of run where after an easy-pace warm-up, you ease in to a “comfortably hard” pace for a prescribed distance or amount of time.

Tonight’s workout:

-10-15 min warm up

-2 miles tempo (comfortably hard)
-Cool down run back to Kezar Stadium (approximately 3.5 miles total)


Reminder: It’s headlamp season. The sun sets at 6:37pm this eve and will continue to say goodnight earlier each and every night. When running in the dark, see and be seen. Wear bright and reflective clothes. Run fast. Run fun. Run safe.

Tried. True. Tempo. Let’s do it!

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