Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hint Run Spring 2019

Rendezvous point #1-This rendezvous point is in the Presidio. It is the statue of a certain Jedi Master. Take a selfie with this Jedi Master and you'll score 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #2-Not too far from the statue of one of the most famous jedi masters of all time is a statue of a man who helped invent the television. He’s holding a cathode ray tube & a roll of patents. Take a selfie in front of this statue and you’ll score 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #3-Nestled inside a eucalyptus grove in the Presidio is a quiet, graceful, sinuous, wooden sculpture by Andy Goldsworthy. Take a selfie in front of this iconic spot and you'll score 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #4-We’ve rendezvoused at this spot for a few Saturday long runs. The name of the spot rhymes with ‘semolina funky jars’. Take a selfie in front of this spot for 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #5-You need the heart of a ‘lion’ to tackle these steps. Take a selfie at the top of these steps and score 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #6-Less than ½ a mile from the Hint store is a TINY park. At just a quarter of an acre, this park is small in size but big on atmosphere, offering visitors a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. Take a selfie in front of this park and score 1 raffle ticket.

Rendezvous point #7-This park is just over ½ a mile (and a large climb) away from the Hint store. A broad, tiered staircase climbs the terraced southern slope of this steep hillside park; when you reach the top, you will find panoramic views of the city and Bay. Take a selfie at the summit of this park and score 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #8- Not too far from the spot that rhymes with with ‘semolina funky jars’ is a big, blue, public fitness court. Take a selfie here and you'll score 2 raffle tickets.

Rendezvous point #9-This branch of the San Francisco Public Library is not too far from the Hint Store and is adjacent to the Moscone Softball Fields. Take a selfie in front of this spot and you'll score 1 raffle ticket.

Rendezvous point #10-This dining spot is close to the Hint store. The name of the joint rhymes with ‘Stubby Poodle’. They’re known for small plates, loud music, and a bottomless dim sum brunch. Take a selfie at this point and you'll score 1 raffle tickets.

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