Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wildcard Run (Strawberry Hill Repeats, 4-5ish miles)-09/26/19

From Coach Toby...

Tonight’s wildcard run takes us to Strawberry Hill in Golden Gate Park, one of the prettiest spots in San Francisco for a run. I’ll lead us on a short group warm-up jog over to the park.

After arriving at Strawberry Hill, I’ll provide a quick overview of the workout and directions before sending you on your way up onto the hill. The workout will involve circular loops up Strawberry Hill, followed by 2-3 minutes of downhill recovery. We'll return to Kezar Stadium as a group after we're done.

Accessible to runners of all levels, this 4-5 mile workout run is a combo of road (warm-up and cool down) and trail (hill repeats). Road shoes are just fine as the trails are well-groomed, but wear your trail shoes if you got them.

Directions to Strawberry Hill (again, we’ll be running as a group from Kezar Stadium to the start of the run at Stow Lake)


-Exit Kezar stadium, turn right and run to the stoplight at Kezar Drive.
-At the stoplight, cross Kezar Drive and enter the park onto MLK Jr Drive.
-At T-intersection, cross over and turn right onto Bowling Green Drive.
-Turn left onto Nancy Pelosi Drive.
-Turn right turn onto MLK Jr Drive.
-Immediately after passing Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive on your right, look for and take the pedestrian path that veers off to the right.
-Shortly thereafter, take the first path you see on your left. This path will lead you to Stow Lake Drive.
-At Stow Lake Drive, cross over pedestrian path, make right and run on the path until you see a bridge on your left. The bridge is our starting point.

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