Friday, May 15, 2015

Run Club Summer 2015 Special Events!

-Sat, 5/16-Summer Run Club Launch Party @ 9:30AM!  Hint Water, Mamma Chia, Raffle Prizes, BEER, awesome people, and good times!

-Sat, 5/23-Biomechanics/Form 101 Matt breaks down the basics of proper running biomechanics/form. Want to learn how to run like a gazelle? Stick around after our long run.

-Sun, 5/24-EPIC RUN @ A Runner's Mind @ 9:30AM Choose between a 3ish or 6ish mile route that includes roads, trail, EPIC views, a shot at winning the silver shoe challenge (good for $25 at A Runner's Mind, and more. Celebrate afterwards at A Runner's Mind with BEER, Hint Water, Mamma Chia, and more. This one is sponsored by Newton Running! Test drive their latest kicks and score free swag if you're one of the first 40 to sign up! Sign up for FREE with the RUNCLUB promo code.

-Sat, 5/30-The Ten Running Commandments. Following our long run, Matt takes his 25+ years of running and coaching experience and distills it into TEN bullet points. Learn the commandments! Live the commandments! LOVE the commandments!

-Sat, 6/6-Post Run ART (Active Release Technique), Following our long run, we'll have an ART (Active Release Technique) specialist on site to help work out any kinks, fatigue, soreness, etc. ART is a veritable silver bullet for just about anything soft tissue related. Take advantage of this awesome opportunity and get some ART done for FREE!

-Sat, 6/6 @ 6:30PM-TEAM HAPPY HOUR Location is TBD, but trust that it will be someplace cool, fun, and conducive to getting to know your teammates, coaches, captains, etc.

-Sat, 6/13-Stretching Clinic & 20% Discount at PSOAS The crack team at PSOAS Massage/Bodywork will be providing us an awesome (and informative) stretching clinic AND extending us a HUGE 20% discount on any/all bodywork booked. Book a massage for next week, the week after, whenever!

-Sat, 6/20-Injury Prevention Talk with Therapydia SF In many respects, you're not a runner until you've been dealt with an aggravation or injury. It happens to the best of us. Stick around after our long run for the lowdown on the most common running related injuries/aggravations and how to reduce the chances of said injuries/aggravations with our friends from Therapydia SF!

-Sat, 6/27-Mental Prep Talk with Dr. Michelle Cleere Following our long run, mental prep guru Dr. Michelle Cleere will join us to talk about how to prepare mentally for tough long runs and race day. To conquer 13.1 (or anything else for that matter), your head needs to be in the right space!

-Sat, 7/4-Expediting Recovery 101 Following our long run, Matt will share a number of 'secrets' for expediting recovery following your long run. Don't's during the rest/recovery phase that your body heals, adapts, and comes back stronger. Expediting recovery will help reduce the chances of injuries/aggravations and get you back on the road (or trail) quicker!

-Sat, 7/11-Post Run ART (Active Release Technique), Following our long run, we'll have an ART (Active Release Technique) specialist on site to help work out any kinks, fatigue, soreness, etc. ART is a veritable silver bullet for just about anything soft tissue related. Take advantage of this awesome opportunity and get some ART done for FREE!

-Sun, 7/12-Team 'Off The Grid' Picnic. In celebration of knocking off our LONGEST road AND trail run of the season, we're gathering at Off the Grid! I will supply Hint Water and beer. You're on the hook for bringing snacks and other goodies.

In short, we're looking at RUN CRAZY SUMMER!

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