Thursday, June 27, 2019

Wildcard Run (That Day My Training Went Downhill-Strawberry Hill Repeats, 4-5 miles)-06/29/19

From Coach Toby:

San Francisco. There are scores of hills and ridges, each for you to explore and conquer. For anyone who has been tackling this city’s terrain for a while, it’s no secret that running up and down these hills will make you stronger and more fit.

Trail or road, adding "downhill days" to your training will help make you a faster, more agile and confident runner. With practice, these descents can also become super fun to run.

Tonight we’ll head back to Golden Gate Park. After a warm-up run to Stow Lake, I will provide quick tips for running downhill before sending you on your way up and then down Strawberry Hill.

This hill repeats workout will involve circular loops around the hill, with short climbs followed by easy grade descents, where you will get to practice and improve your downhill running form and technique. We'll do a cool down run back to Kezar Stadium as a group after we're done.

Come join your teammates. This workout is accessible and will benefit runners of all levels. A combination of road (warm-up and cool down) and trail (hill repeats), it will be approximately 4-5 miles of accumulative running. Road shoes are just fine as the trails are well groomed but wear your trail kicks if you got them.

Directions to Stow Lake start. (Please show up on time to Kezar Stadium so you can run over together with your teammates.)


-Exit Kezar Stadium’s west entrance
-Turn right and run to the stoplight at Kezar Drive
-Cross Kezar Drive and proceed along MLK Jr Drive
-At intersection with Bowling Green Drive, cross street and turn left to stay on MLK Jr
-Immediately after passing Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive on your right, look and take the pedestrian path that veers off to the right
-Shortly thereafter, take the first path you see on your left. This path will lead you to Stow Lake Drive
-At Stow Lake Drive, cross over pedestrian path, make right and run on the path until you see a bridge on your left. The bridge is our starting point

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