Thursday, July 11, 2019

Wildcard Run (Painted Ladies Plus, 4 miles)-07/11/19

We’re taking it to the streets for a 4-mile San Francisco neighborhoods tour, including an Alamo Square drop-in to see these magnificent Victorian homes. Bring your camera, social media hashtags, and a wee bit of stamina - we’ve got about 400 feet of climbing to do!

Please review the route map via this link:


- Exit Kezar Stadium’s west entrance and turn left
- At Frederick St, turn left. Run all the way to Buena Vista Park
- At Frederick and Buena Vista Park, cross street, climb steps, and make right to run along the edge of the park on the paved sidewalk.
- You will run approximately halfway around the park
- Look for Duboce Street on your right.
- Turn right onto Duboce St
- Cross Castro St and continue on Duboce
- At Noe St (on right), turn LEFT by the Muni train stop to cross through Duboce Park.
- Continue through park to Pierce St
- Run on right side of Piece St to Hayes St
- Cross Hayes to run into Alamo Square Park
- Make a right and enjoy the views of the Painted Ladies and if clear, downtown skyline!
- Run to Steiner St and make left
- Take Steiner one half block to Fulton St
- Left onto Fulton
- Left onto Stanyan
- Cross Oak and Fell and then make right onto Kezar Drive
- Take Kezar Drive back to Kezar Stadium

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