Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wildcard Run (Stow Lake, 3.3 miles)-10/31/19

Thursday October 31st Wildcard Workout (3.3 miler)
Golden Gate Park’s Stow Lake

Thanks for another great season, wildcarders! Captain Emily will lead the charge tonight with an easy three miler through Golden Gate Park.

Course Map & Directions

Course Map-

Course Directions:

-Exit Kezar Stadium’s west entrance
-Turn right and run to the stoplight at Kezar Drive
-Cross Kezar Drive and proceed on the paved path along MLK Jr Drive
-At intersection with Bowling Green Drive, cross street and turn left to stay on MLK Jr Drive
-Cross Nancy Pelosi Drive, Music Concourse, and Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
-After Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, turn right onto Stow Lake Drive East
-Climb up the short hill via the road and then proceed onto the paved pedestrian path that runs alongside the lake
-Complete a full counter clockwise loop around the lake, staying on the paved pedestrian path
-After completing the loop, exit the lake the way you entered (on Stow Lake Drive East)
-Turn left onto MLK Jr Drive and retrace your steps back to Kezar stadium

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