Monday, February 16, 2015

Runners needed for elite professional runner's autobiography!

Dear runner,

I’m working with an elite professional runner on an autobiography and accompanying “Runner’s Workbook.” We’re looking for runners to test the Workbook and provide feedback. We’re hoping you’ll be on test team. If you’re interested, here’s more: 

The Workbook is a unique approach to improving as a runner. It takes the tools this elite athlete used to reach his/her goals and puts them to you, a fellow runner, in the form of written exercises (not physical workouts). The exercises are designed to be done alongside your regular training and include things like keeping a gratitude list, analyzing a few weeks of training, writing down your motivations for running, doing a post-race briefing and more. 

The Workbook aims to increase both your performance and your enjoyment of the sport. All of the exercises were used by the athlete over many years and are proven techniques used by sports and performance psychologists (as well as life coaches). We’d be honored to have your feedback. 

To be clear, you won’t be turning in your actual work (that’s for you and your training partners if you do this as a group). You’ll be sending us notes on what you liked, didn’t like, if it was helpful or not, why, etc. We’re looking for two groups. One to do the exercises over a two-week period for immediate feedback. Another to take their time and use it for two to three months. In both cases, we’re seeking runners to do it on their own, and some to do it as a group or team.  

What’s in it for you? We hope better running! But all of our testers names will be included in the thank-you section of the book and with your permission, feedback may be included in marketing material.  

If you’re interested, please email me at

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